Daily Tasks/Shared Living

At Ekaa Care, we believe that everyone has the right to live as independently as possible, without feeling incapable to do so. But, there are some daily activities that individuals with a disability may find challenging to perform, and that should not obstruct your path to living the life the way you want. Hence, to make your challenging task easier, Ekaa Care’s daily task/share living service focuses on developing and enhancing the skills that help you to manage challenging tasks easily and live autonoumsily. Here are some of the ways in which the daily task/shared living program arranged by us is beneficial to you:

  • Assistance with regular activities
  • Assistance with cooking, gardening, dressing, making beds, etc
  • Guide you to perform new activities in which you are interested in
  • Help you to know how shared living arrangements work
  • Help you to cope with life stage transition
  • And More.

To explore all the above-mentioned benefits, contact us now.

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